
Click now wellness products/
One solution to many problems like: BP, acidity and indigestion, Psoriasis, impure blood, anemia, obesity, kidney disorder, Hair problem, high cholesterol, body pain, cancer, menstrual problems, eczema. And also gives instant energy, blood purification, helps in weight loss, low hemoglobin, diabetes. It is the rich source of vitamins A,B,C,E and K, Calcium, Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Sodium, Sulphur, Amino acid, Dietary Fibers, Exogenous enzymes and Chlorophyll"

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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Energetic Wheatgrass Powder -Therapy.

Energetic Wheatgrass Powder -Therapy.
Wheatgrass Powder provides good nutrition; vitamins, minerals etc, and makes you Fresh and Energetic. Wheatgrass is hailed as Panacea on the Earth by many famous Dietitians around the world, due to the natural concentration of numerous beneficial nutrients,
a natural rich source of Vitamins, Minerals, Amino acids, Enzymes, Chlorophyll and Dietary Fibers - more than 90 nutritious Minerals substances, 22 Amino acids and 19 Enzymes present in it. Dieticians therefore call Wheatgrass as Green Blood. 

Wheatgrass powder has powerful Detoxification and Blood Purification properties. Wheatgrass Powder is high in dietary fiber and thus helps maintain blood sugar level, Cholesterol level and prevents constipation and fights cancer. 
Advantages of the product
Purifies Blood,
Improves Digestion, Prevents Constipation
Controls Diabetes,
Relieves Kidney Disorder,
Regularize Menstrual Disorder,
Weight loss help,
Fight Cancer
help cure Anemia,
Overcome Skin Problem and much more, really a Sanjivani on the Earth. 

It is no more an Apple but "A Single dose of WG a day, you can keep the countless diseases Away. Must for every member of the family,
Take 1-spoon (WG Powder) a day in the morning on empty stomach. One bottle Wheatgrass Powder (Rs. 400 / 100 gms bottle) lasts for ONE month. i. e. Rs.12 ( less than a cost of one cup of coffee) per day per person to remain healthy for as long as you LIVE. You want to enjoy and live healthy life, dont you? then Get WG Powder NOW, Order! What are you waiting for, to fall sick or your Pay day salary?
Contact us for your Wheatgrass Powder in your city :9441612999

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

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more detail view site 

   Organic Wheatgrass Powder - Wheat Grass Powder manufacturing process

                           The Importance of Wheat Grass